Friday, September 11, 2009

Windy nights and wizard of Oz.

We had fish again tonight. It was especially pleasing because it was a white fish tonight. Halibut (just for the Halibut I will add this horrible joke). Cassidy also made a pumpkin soup that, had she offered it to the sailors, they would never leave dry ground in hopes of simply smelling it again. Pumpkin Bread to follow. As you have probably summized by now, our groceries are very limited and nothing goes to waste.
First week of school down and that has been a little more than interesting. Teaching six different levels of each subject is proving to be quite challenging, but not discouraging.
Cassidy has held her ground in the fashion department out here in Adak! Hands down the best dressed woman on the island. Not that she wouldn't be anyway, but her closest competition is a woman that is wearing Carhart pants, a Van Halen 1984 T-shirt and a Lettermans jacket from somewhere in Iowa.
Let's see...our big Friday night consisted of inviting the two student teachers over (because every class of eleven students needs a student teacher) and now we are indoctrinating them into the American culture by forcing them to watch The Wizard of Oz. They seem to like it! They can take this bit of America back to The Netherlands and Denmark.
Things here are quite a bit different. Last night Cassidy made a Caribou meatloaf using the meat that our neighbor, Mike, had given us. Mike apparently just hangs out and kills things. I don't know if I agree with it or not, but I tell you what...that Caribou is some good eatin'!! Cassidy agreed to allow me to get a hunting rifle, but I have a $100 limit. Out here on Adak the kitty litter is $24.00 so I am now determined to be the first man to successfully hunt a Caribou with a slingshot!

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