Saturday, August 1, 2009

Party with Family.....

We are down to 7 days and I can hardly believe it! We had a family party at my aunt and uncles tonight, between that and my last day with Ryan (little boy I watched) this is all starting to become real. We really are doing this! Our last week here has filled up with dinner dates, play dates and last minute things to do before we leave on Sunday.

We are not sure Isabel really understands what is about to happen, for the time she just knows we are going on a trip and will end up in Alaska, which is where she will have her birthday! She's very excited and it is very fun to watch her get ready for our adventure.

I think we are ready and although it will be very sad to leave ( I have already cried like 3 times!) we are excited!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, if you put 09 in there it works much better. I'm glad we will have this chance to keep up with you guys and hear all about your adventures! Don't want to let you all go though:(!
