Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Friends. AND...I killed something happened. We didn't think that it would. Frankly, we had given up hope. It is not that we are bad people. In fact, we feel that we are actually fairly likeable people and have nothing to be ashamed of. Anyway, it happened. We met FRIENDS!
Ti and Rachel are a couple on the island that we have become friends with. Rachel is actually my boss at the airport where I put in, on average, one hour of hard work each and every week. I am actually there for six hours, but four to five of those are sitting around waiting for the plane, so....
Anyway, we made friends! They are really cool and we feel very grateful to have them in our lives right now.
Ti took me hunting (I just have to interrupt this thought to inform you that my wife is currently taking about fifteen pictures of the cats that are curled up together at my feet. Now I ask you, who really wants to see fifteen different angles of the same cats? I am convinced that my beautiful bride is constantly fighting the demons of being THE CRAZY CAT LADY!) SO...Ti took me hunting Thursday after work. We were originally just going to look and see where the herds were moving without leaving the truck. I was wearing brown leather shoes, jeans, a bright blue jacket and a blue baseball cap. I am giving you the wardrobe rundown because one half of one hour after leaving I found myself a half-mile away from the truck climbing a mountain with a rifle in one hand and hypothermia in the other. We reached the top of the mountain (eventually...the climb seemed to be interrupted with thoughts of how they would just leave my body there on the mountain as a symbolic warning to others to be prepared. You know, like they do on Everest.)and I low-crawled into position. I had to get my heart rate below 200 before I felt I could hold the gun still enough to get a decent shot off (which, surprisingly, took quite a while). Bang! I saw it drop and was, frankly, quite surprised. I doubt that I was more surprised than Ti, however, who responded with a "You want to chase 'em or head home? Your feet have got to be cold in those shoes." I told him I think I got him and he grabbed his rifle to look through the scope and said with as much surprise as he possibly could "Holy shit! You did get one! Nice work, man!" (it was, in fact, an awesome shot by the way) So, that night, I learned of the darker side of hunting; hanging carcass in the gargage.
My new hobby has led to Cassidy's new obsession which is shopping for all things meat preparation. My belief is that if she attacks her Masters Program with the even half the tanacity as she has looking for meat grinders, hunting supplies, Caribou recipes, meat storage, and meat processing accessories, she is a shoe-in for Valedictorian. Cassidy could probably (and I am being serious here) give you a run down on every specification of meat grinders and vacuum sealers in the western hemisphere. That includes shipping costs!
I am pretty excited for her because it gives her the opportunity to explore more of her cooking and baking obsessions. This past week has been filled with soups, breads, cakes, apple sauce bars(friggin' delicious!), and a turkey (from our new best friends at Omaha Steaks!!) In addition to Cassidy's cooking skills, she is also incredible at finding the best deals financially. FREE SHIPPING has become our two favorite words!
Cassidy has also become the 'go to' lady for child care (which is no surprise, really).
Gio (short for Giovanni) is a three and a half year-old that will be at our house all this week. He is adorable and his parents are incredibly nice. It will be nice for Isabel to have a playmate around here also!
It snowed!! We know this because our weather girl in-training let Milo out at 6:30 in the morning and then screamed "Mommy Daddy it SNOWED, it SNOOOOWED" repeatedly for about twenty-five minutes. There truly is no greater joy than witnessing a childs pure innocence and wonder. I then did something I have never done in my teaching career. I took the day off! Called in sick! Had a case of the playwithmykiditis!!!! It was everything I thought it would be! Cassidy, Isabel, and I had an incredible time!

That's about it for this week. Brother Brad is on the move getting me a hunting rifle and Cassidy is on the move getting items for meat! This place just keeps getting more and more fascinating! I am now wearing my boots every time I leave the house and feel pretty confident with the big game hunting. Cassidy and I have both come to grips with the fact that free meat that you can shoot is much better than expensive meat that someone else has killed. Plus...FREE SHIPPING!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Grad School, Caribou and Soap...

Big News in the Jones House! Cassidy has applied to Grad School at the University of Alaska-Anchorage for Special Education. She is very excited and I couldn't be more proud of her. Even better news is that the prerequisite classes are psychology classes, which, with her BS in Pscyh, is already cut in half. When we arrived here we met Jim. Jim works at the University and has instructed Cassidy to call him immediately if and when she hits a snag with the application process. It is always nice to know someone in the college of education, right?

We had a double date Friday night! It was actually a lot of fun, although the beginning of the night began with the confirmation that my pool skills are less than exemplary. Rachel and Ty are a couple on the island that are a rare breed around here. They have something that most on this island are lacking, which makes them a very desirable couple to hang out with. What they have is a sense of...of...well...normalcy.
We went to the V. which is short for VFW. which it isn't. It used to be a VFW, but the owners bought it and changed the name to ASBAG (Adak Sports Bar and Grill). It should be noted that there is one TV that has yet to show sports and no grill to speak of. In addition, it shuld be mentioned that the television is permanently on the Food Network. So...while you are sitting there eating your twenty-three dollar burger that lacks flavor you get to watch people making incredible meals that you would much rather be eating.

Anyway, we went to the V and had a great time. We are looking forward to spending more time with them. Today Ty and I went to scout out a bunch of caribou and check to see if the Silver Salmon are still running(which they are). We saw several herds and I can't wait to get out there. I am really getting into this hunting and fishing way of life.

Cassidy and Isabel went to the weekly craft night and brought home some very colorful and wonderfully scented soaps. Isabel is very proud of her soap and I am reminded every night that "Mommy and Isabel made this soap," which makes me want to stop her from using it in the hopes her adorable boasting will last forever.

We received a gift package today from Evelyn. Evelyn is Cassidy's Grandmother that, for a lack of a better word is, well, perfect. If there is a textbook ever made entitled "How to Become the Perfect Grandmother," there would be smaller font below that reads "inspired by Evelyn Jones." She is pretty amazing! Evelyn mailed us all the fixings for Mexican Food (our favorite). Tortillas, spices, Chiles, beans, Cannot wait! Thank You, Evelyn!

Andrea sent us a HUGE gift package(s) as well! If there is ever a book entitled "How To Be The Awesomest Friend Ever," in smaller font below...well, you get the idea! Baking goods, rolling pin (which Cassidy has not stopped talking about), pie plates, candy, Halloween stuff for Isabel...YOU ROCK, ANDREA!!!! Thank You!

This place just becomes more and more interesting every day! We are enjoying how truly freaky this place is. We will keep you posted on the craziness that is Adak!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

New Job, Baking, and New Roads!

My high school basketball coach used to say that luck was just being prepared when opportunities presented themselves. Therefore, theoretically the harder you work, the "luckier" you become. I never really grasped that concept and now that I have a few years and, with that, a little wisdom, I can finally say that he was absolutley full of crap! I am married to the most amazing woman in the world and that is out of sheer luck! I can't remember working for this at all. I just happen to be lucky. And I am fine with that. Sorry, Coach, but it is better to be lucky than good!
I am stressing this point because over the past week, Cassidy been making and selling pies. She is gifted and I am loving it!! Aside from the pies, she is absolutely amazing at every task she undertakes. Whether it be raising Isabel, watching other people's children, or making pies, I am just damn lucky!
Isabel has become quite the adventurer! If the pictures aren't already posted, they will be. We went 'hiking' down to the beach this morning. We had never been to this beach before because it is on the West side of the island. We had never been to the West side of the island because, well...we had no idea there was a road to the West side of the island. God forbid there be a current roadmap provided to anyone around here.
We found the road in the same fashion we have found pretty much everything else around here; went for a drive. We have discovered that all roads either just stop or they lead back to town. So, we just take random roads and see where we go. It's our weekend "see if we can actually get lost" game. Hey! there are worse ways to spend a Saturday, right?
The beach was absolutely breathtaking. We looked down at the beach from about 300 feet. Then it happened...I saw a rope. Why not go down an embankment steep enough that someone felt a rope was required with a four year-old, right? It was actually quite worth it, as the pictures will show. I wouldn't have said that halfway up the hill with Isabel on my shoulders and me trying to remember the last time my heart rate was above 85. But it actually was a lot of fun! Cassidy could not have been prouder than to see her husband dry-heaving like one of the Olsen Twins.
To be honest, I only carried Isabel up one small portion, but that is the reason I am using for my lack of speed (or movement) towards the end.
My new gig at the airport is proving to be quite enjoyable. I didn't think I would be able to fit in the cargo hold of the aircraft. turns out I was right. Good group of people, though. We are hoping to be able to use some flight benefits for Christmas, but there are some variables in there. We'll see.
We had some temporary neighbors for the last four days. They are with the Tsunami/Disaster preparedness program. Cindi is the Educational Outreach Coordinator for the Tsunami Warning Center. A geologist that, as far as geologists go, is about the most layed back woman I have ever met. It was actually interesting to learn about the rock/land formations. I went to a college that has a great geology program and the guys in that program were, for a lack of a better term, dorks. Erv was with her. You wouldn't know it without talking to somebody else that knows Erv really well, but Erv is a stud. He was one of the founding members of the Alaskan Pararescue Unit out of Anchorage. I was a PJ and I am very proud of what I did. I didn't even bring up any stories because all the exciting things I did in six or seven years, Erv did in a weekend. His modesty only amplifies his awesomeness. It was a lot of fun talking to him about mutual acquantances and the job. Erv works for the Homeland Security Disaster Preparedness now(or something like that). Anyway, great to meet him and get a chance to talk with him.
Ofcourse, Casssidy made them a chocolate cream pie when they arrived and they loved it!
OH!!!!!! WE FORGOT TO MENTION THE EARTHQUAKE!! (my wife edits my work and tells me what I forgot to mention)
So...we had an earthquake! It was a 4.7 and it occured at 4:56 am. It sounded like a train going by the house and gave us a little bit of a shake. I woke up immediately and did what any Father and husband would do; sat there. I have never been in an earthquake and was basically "enjoying the ride" in my shock and bewilderment. Cassidy woke up just as it had finished and asked what had just happened in a language that the clergy do not use. Isabel, of course, slept through the whole thing. We are convinced that if the house had been lifted ten feet off the ground and dropped while a marching band played "Bringin' da noise, Bringin' da funk" outside her window, she would still not miss a wink of sleep.
All for now, here's to avoiding disasters and discovering more roads!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

It's like Christmas without the drunk family members...

Living out here has provided prospective on a lot of things. For example, we have been given insight into the history of the Aleut people that brings a level of sympathy and respect that did not exist prior. Being this remote has shined a bright light on the fact that our future is completely dictated by what we want for Isabel's future. And, perhaps most surprisingly, we LOVE MAIL! It arrives (not always, though) every Thursday and Sunday (save for any major holidays, weather, and when they just don't feel like flying). It is like Christmas...without the drunk family members and the God-awful home-knit sweater that you are forced to wear that smells suspiciously like a mixture of Pall-Mall 100's and Metamucil.
You know in old western movies when the prisoner has the one foot by one foot window with the bars? That is what mail is to us; our only proof that there is still a world out there that runs free and enjoys the luxuries of...of...of purchasing a piece of fresh fruit without discussion of their children maybe going to a community college.
It really is exciting, though. So much so that the Postmaster/School Board Member/janitor for the city buildings (all true), calls us at our home so we can drive to pick up packages if they, in fact, have arrived. Yup! Quite convenient, really.
Outside of waiting for the mail, we have become fans of "going for a drive" around the island. In high school my best friend, Tony, and I would go "for a drive" with his parents. Because of these modern day Bhutan Death Drives, I swore I would never "go for a drive." Well....
Today it was just "kind of" windy and rainy, so why not have a picnic, right? We loaded into Beatrice (did I mention I named the suburban, with more miles on it than Paris Hilton, Beatrice?) and went for a Car Picnic. It is exactly what it sounds like and was actually quite fun. Isabel loved it and the sandwiches Cassidy made were delicious. All involved were happy. Even Beatrice.
Tomorrow is mail day, so all smiles.
Every day is something new around here. I am heading over to Big Mikes house at 8:00 a.m. to watch football with Mike. Mike works for the cable company, so...Mike has cable. Tim doesn't work for the cable company so...(If bananas are over $3.00 a pound you can probably imagine what cable costs) Tim walks to Mike's house.
Cassidy is setting a new record for baked goods (emphasis on the GOODS part. seriously, she missed her calling). In the last week, NAY! The last four days she has made homemade bread for sandwiches (two loaves) that are amazing, a loaf of blueberry banana bread, banana peanut butter bread, a birthday cake for Sanne (student teacher from the Netherlands [pronounced Sauna]), cookies for Isabel (courtesy of cousin Karen), biscuits, and several other items. Tomorrow I am arriving to Big Mikes with banana cream pies that have home-made crusts, of course. (sidenote: there was a shipment of bananas that did not get picked up by a fishing vessel, so they donated the bananas to the school, hence the banana theme for the week).
Silver salmon season is just about winding down. I might go out tomorrow and see if they are still running. I caught a couple Salmon last weekend. I do have a conflict with telling this story, though. I want to tell everyone that I went by myself and had an incredible day mostly isolated from the world while fishing. And a successful trip at that. All true!
What I don't want to share with you (but it's funny, so I will) is Adak is an outdoorsmans paradise and people show up with extremely expensive equipment for hunting/fishing, which accompanies the extremely expensive flight out here. Two of these men showed up at the stream I was fishing when I brought in my fish. They seemed a little irritated, however, when their $2,000 fishing trip yielded nothing while I was standing next to them catching salmon on a Hannah Montana fishing pole that I borrowed from one of my 11 year-old female students. A fool and his money, right?

New Pics!!!!!!!

Check out new pics on our Picasa Web Album, fun adventures!